Firewood Now Available for Sale and Delivery
Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Nana Aurea’ (Gold Mop Japanese False Cypress)
Make your Lawn Clean Up Easier this Fall
Crabgrass: Almost Everyone Has It; No One Wants It!
Creating the Perfect Winter Habitat for Backyard Birds
Design Your Dream Landscape for the Summer with Ted Collins Tree & Landscape
How to Help Your Lawn Stand Out this Summer
Hydrangea macrophylla "Nikko Blue"
Inspiration: Why a Water Feature is Perfect for Your Landscape Installation
Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence' (Provence Lavender)
Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' (Raspberry Wine Bee Balm)
Acer palmatum "Wolff" (Japanese Maple)
Acer platanoides "Crimson King" (Norway Maple)
Astilbe Chinensis “Veronica Klose” (Chinese Astilbe)
Brunnera Macrophylla “Jack Frost” (Serbian Bugloss)
Buddleja Davidii “Royal Red” (Royal Red Butterfly Bush)
Campanula punctata 'Cherry Bells' (Cherry Bells Spotted Bellflower)
Dicentra spectabilis (Bleeding Heart)
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' (Magnus Purple Coneflower)
Hibuscus syriacus "Rose of Sharon"
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Altona’
Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea)
Lilium lancifolium (Tiger Lily)
Lonicera x heckrotti (Gold Flame Honeysuckle)
Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' (Royal Star Magnolia)
Prunus Domestica “Mount Royal” (European Blue Plum)
Dahlia "Purple Gem" (Purple Gem Dahlia)
Salix integra "Hakuro Nishiki" (Dappled Willow)
Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd” (American arborvitae)
Vaccinium corymbosum (Northern Highbush Blueberry)
Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood Viburnum)
Prepare for the Winter: Ted Collins Snow Plowing
Composting: The Secret to a Beautiful Garden
Tips and Tricks: Fall Maintenance
Tips and Tricks: Fall Tree Care
How to Make a Hummingbird Sanctuary
How to Protect Your Lawn From Heatwaves
Importance of Tree Maintenance
Tips and Tricks: Lawn Installation
Have You Done Your Spring Inspections Yet? Don't Worry; It's Not Too Late
The 3 Best Exotic Plants for Your Garden
Top Plants for Your Indoor Garden
Tips and Tricks: Winter Indoor Gardening
Tips and Tricks: Winter Lawn Care
Tips and Tricks: Winter Tree Care
Victor Farmington Library Hosts Asian Longhorned Beetle Information Meeting
Pavers for Landscape in Rochester, NY
Stump Grinding in Rochester, NY
Tree Removal Services in Rochester, NY