As June comes to a close, mosquito season is here. With this year’s mild winter and wet spring, mosquito populations will be bigger than ever this year.

While mosquitoes are typically just a nuisance, they can pose a severe threat to your and your family’s health. Mosquitoes are an extremely effective transmitter of a range of diseases. While mosquito-transmitted diseases like malaria and the Zika virus are uncommon in the Northeast, West Nile can pose a serious threat. The first case was discovered in New York in 1999, and since has claimed the lives of 39 people.


There is no existing vaccine for the virus. Therefore, the best way to prevent West Nile is take measures to prevent mosquito bites. Take precautions such as using bug repellent and covering your skin as much as possible when going outside. Ted Collins also offers mosquito treatment programs for your yard, sure to eliminate any mosquito problems you may have. Call us today at (585) 381-9000 or visit our website today for an estimate.

For more information, see the New York State Department of Health’s website.