Plant of the Week
Buddleja Davidii “Royal Red” (Royal Red Butterfly Bush)
Published May 7, 2024 989 Views
Buddleja davidii “Royal Red” is a deciduous bush first cultivated in Ohio in 1942. The bush features many extending branches, each with its own cluster of brilliant red flowers. The Royal Red is known as one of the best and most beautiful of the older “red” cultivars. The bush was introduced across...
Vaccinium corymbosum (Northern Highbush Blueberry)
Published October 23, 2019 859 Views
Vaccinium corymbosum, commonly known as the Northern Highbush Blueberry, is a species of blueberry found across the Eastern United States and Canada. For centuries, the highbush blueberry has been cultivated by Native Americans. The shrub grows around 6 to 12 feet tall and wide, and are often fo...
Prunus Domestica “Mount Royal” (European Blue Plum)
Published October 16, 2019 751 Views
The Prunus Domestica “Mount Royal”, more commonly known as the European Blue Plum, is a small European plum tree. Growing typically from 15-20 feet tall, the tree performs best in full sun, with average, medium moisture soil. Plum trees provide a beautiful centerpiece to your yard throughout the...
Acer palmatum "Wolff" (Japanese Maple)
Published October 2, 2019 674 Views
Acer palmatum 'Wolff', commonly known as the Japanese Maple, is a deciduous tree native to the island of Japan. The tree is famed for its foliage, dark red throughout most of the year and blazing scarlett during the fall. Its Emperor I cultivar is extremely hardy, fantastic at withstanding damage fr...
Salix integra "Hakuro Nishiki" (Dappled Willow)
Published September 25, 2019 1982 Views
The Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, commonly known as the Dappled Willow, is a deciduous plant native to Asia. The Dappled Willow can either be grown as a shrub or as a small tree depending on the technique of cultivation. This compact plant supports an abundance of pink, white, and green toned leav...
Acer platanoides "Crimson King" (Norway Maple)
Published September 16, 2019 644 Views
The Crimson King is a cultivar of maple found most commonly in Europe. First introduced in the US in the 40s, the Norway Maple has been planted throughout urban and suburban areas. The Crimson King’s burgundy red summer foliage and dense canopy provides an excellent accent to your landscape. C...
Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd” (American arborvitae)
Published September 4, 2019 562 Views
The Thuja o. “Smaragd”, or more commonly known as the American arborvitae, is a needled evergreen tree native to Canada and the Northeast. While many American Arborvitaes grow up to 60 feet tall in the wild, the Smaragd is a dwarf cultivar, typically growing up to around 14 feet tall. This cultivar...
Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' (Royal Star Magnolia)
Published August 28, 2019 976 Views
Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star', commonly known as the Royal Star Magnolia, is a flowering deciduous tree native to Asia. The Royal Star bursts into large white blooms before foliage emerges in the spring, serving as a beautiful centerpiece of any yard. The tree grows best in moist, rich soil in full...
Lilium lancifolium (Tiger Lily)
Published August 21, 2019 755 Views
Lilium lancifolium, commonly known as the Tiger Lily, is a wonderful orange lily found in many parts of the United States. The perennial grows anywhere from 2 to 6 feet tall, with a green stalk lined with leaves and capped off by an orange bloom accentuated by small black spots. Tiger Lilies grow in...
Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea)
Published August 14, 2019 737 Views
Hydrangea petiolaris, more commonly known as the Climbing Hydrangea, is a species of Hydrangea native to Japan, Korea, and Russian Far East. The hydrangea is a climbing vine, climbing as high as 50 feet high. As they are native to woodlands, the hydrangea does best in moist soil in partial shade. Du...