Are plants in your garden having a difficult time, and aren’t thriving like you hope they would? The cause of many problems for plants is in the soil. Depending on the composition of your soil, it may be making it more difficult for your plants to grow well. Not all hope is lost though! There is a way for you to alter the composition of your soil and make it easier for your plants to grow and thrive. Adding compost, or organic material, to your soil can have a dramatic effect on your plant’s health, and better yet, you can do it all yourself! Here are a few tips and tricks that will help both veterans and novices get the best results.

Choosing a Compost Bin

While you can pile your compost, it is much more effective and safe to compost in a bin. There are many shapes, sizes, and variations of bins that you can purchase on the market, all with their strengths and weaknesses. We recommend a closed bin that can rotate on an axis. By rotating your compost, you will ensure that all materials intermix and decompose evenly. However, you don’t need anything fancy to start composting! To see how to make your own DIY compost bin for under $10, click here.

You Can Compost More than You Think

Most composters know that you can compost most food, you can compost a lot more than scraps of food. Composting green matter, such as lawn clippings, leaves, and other plant materials is extremely beneficial. It is best to maintain a 1 to 1 ratio of brown to green matter, alternating layers of the two to ensure best results. Just make sure that none of the plant matter has been sprayed with chemicals!

Maintain the Right Moisture

One of the ways to ensure your compost’s success is by maintaining the right amount of moisture. To make sure your materials decompose at a good rate, you must strike a balance of how moist the compost pile is. If your compost is too dry, it will not be able to support the worms and bacteria that break down material. If it is too wet, some of the most industrious bacteria will not be able to do their jobs. Make sure to water your compost moderately to ensure the best results.

With these tips, you are sure to produce fantastic compost to better your garden! For more information on composting, check out the Cornell Cooperative Extension website.